La muy muy
I think the very
I think the very
I think the very
you wear a miniskirt and you think the very
stop bitch
These increasingly more watery
ointment used in the hood
so that you remove
rioja wrinkled
Want to fit into society
and you do a bluff
you are the ugliest sergiogutierrez
More bad that bush
* I think the very
I think the very
I think the very
you wear a miniskirt and you think the very
liar, thief smelly
silly slug
side tail
Poor women do not have mercy
you're a scum of society
Shut your mouth snake lying
racist and envious
poor who make your wife and you discover
These well sarnosa
* I think the very
I think the very
I think the very
you wear a miniskirt and you think the very
Girl presumed creida
have problems of self-esteem
goals even though you temascal
your past life you will not clean
shameless interested
in a few years you chaps falls
Does not matter if you read English or saspito
if you take off your shoes smell feet
* I think the very
I think the very
I think the very
you wear a miniskirt and you think the very
En esta canción de 'Amandititita' titulada 'La muy muy (en inglés)', la letra nos habla de la crítica hacia aquellas personas que se preocupan demasiado por aparentar y encajar en la sociedad, sin importarles pisotear a los demás en el proceso... Significado de la letra