A foggy morning
You’re back on the street
And from nowhere a voice is bolstering you
This is your life
Why waste it with memories of the past
And questions 'bout tomorrow?
Ghosts hate the daylight
So use the moment to leave them behind
Set before you is a blessing and a curse
Thoughts can heal you, thoughts can kill you
Words can save you, words can break you
Emotions may guide you or betray you
Oxygen blue is salvation, oxygen red is poison
As you think, so shall you be
Don't eat the bread of the beast that has the evil eye
And remember the old indian warning
That there's a good wolf and a bad wolf fighting for your
Be careful which you feed
Don't let the air you breathe become oxygen red
As sure as day follows night
There must be a way out of this maze
It's not that bad
Without struggle, there can be no progress
Now is the right time for a new try to get on with life
The change you seek is you