You flew far from here
Volaste lejos de aqui
It was seated
people watched when happening
She looked for somebody
I bring closer myself
it was a greeting
It asks to him who it looked for
it said me to which Needed much
single it answers you want to him to come with me
its answer was if with si.oh yeah
the days happened
everything went so well
It said never to lose it
and it went away, oh noo
you flew far from here
Because? , ohhh
you were yourself and you did not return
you flew far from here, Because?
fight to obtain to your
Single they gave one me desilucion
I surprise it
That in some side
This thinking about my
single prayer that returns.
este tema fue lo hice yo
y quiero que lo conoscann
ojala la vieran los guns jejej
es un lento
pero digamos que es de los guns
Espero que les guste
se las dejo en castellano