A werewolf in paris la unio
A Werewolf in Paris
Night falls and it gets light in Paris,
in the day when all happened
as an endless madman's dream.
Fortune has mocked you.
Caught spying,
the wolf escapes howling and
he's bitten
by the Wizard of Siam.
The full moon over Paris
has transformed Denis into a man.
He wanders by the bars of the boulevard.
He stays in a seedy guesthouse.
While he's having supper,
someone sits beside him:
a young woman
with which he's gonna gaze at
the full moon over Paris.
Denis earns some francs.
A werewolf in Paris;
his name is Denis.
The werewolf is in Paris;
his name, Denis.
The full moon over Paris
has transformed Denis into a man.
While he's having supper,
someone sits beside him:
a young woman
with which he's gonna gaze at...
...the full moon over Paris
has transformed Denis into a man.
A werewolf in Paris.