Mouth with your tear of smile kisses me it
Moon kisses me it and covers the sun with the thumb
It kisses me the space between my body and your silhouette
E the sea deepest kisses it with its humidity
It kisses me sussuro that you made in my ear
It kisses the passage of my hands in your altar
With blessed water of its source fronte kisses me all
That it baptizes me and blesses me this way to kiss
It kisses my fields and my flowers with your small colorful drops
It kisses the rain that it drains in the window
It kisses my life and my leached ashes and you will say me I will go fast
It kisses me and it leaves with an shout that I obtain
It kisses the rapids of illusions
It kisses me all the passions
It kisses my river until its mouth of a river
It kisses my life and my leached ashes and you say me that I will go fast
It kisses my days and my nights and my dilúvios and my sky the full sun
It kisses me the still sleepy eyes in the morning
Skin with the rapids of its squeeze kisses me it
With blessed water of its source fronte kisses me all
That it baptizes me and blesses me this way to kiss
It kisses my fields and my flowers with your small colorful drops
It kisses the rain that it drains in the window
It kisses my life and my leached ashes and you will say me I will go fast
It kisses me and it leaves with an shout that I obtain
It kisses the rapids of illusions
It kisses me all the passions
It kisses my river until its mouth of a river
It kisses my life and my leached ashes and you say me that I will go fast
It kisses my days and my nights and my dilúvios and my sky the full sun