In Line for Lunch
ok folks
enough with the gay jokes
especially from a gay broke bitch yourself,eh loc?
your stlye is dodo
you've worked here longer than me and I get paid more than you do
yo dawg take a seat
what's this guy standin in line for?
he ain't got money to eat
yo yo this guy cashed his whole check and bought one HoHo
you fuc*** homo
you little maget
you can't hacket
Paul's gay
your a faggot
at least he admits
don't even risk it
this guys starvin to death someone get him a buscuit
I don't know what they told you Mike
you must've had them cornrolls rolled to tight
you want to quite your job,but you can't
you've worked at this Plant so long,your a plant
and look at you goddamn boots
for christsake there startin to grow roots
on this mic you'd get faded
you look like a pissed off rapper who never made it
and why you messin with the gay guy G?
when your the one who has the HIV